Inspiration: Keep Going.


Tuesdays are typically inspiration and happy thought days around here but this week has left me in need of an extra dose. I’ve been super wrapped up in a particular thought, what I’m I going to do with my life?!?!

The quote above reminded me that life is a continual journey. We have to keep pushing forward in order to discover more about ourselves and our calling in life. Honestly, I wish it was simpler. I wish someone would hand me a roadmap and I would know that all I had to do was follow it. But that’s not what life is about.

I also found a little peace after reading an article on Psychology Today’s website. Now this isn’t going instantly solve your problems either but it’s a nice reminder of …the bigger picture. ARTICLE LINK

How are you doing when it comes to choosing a career? Feeling confident in your decisions thus far? Or are you debating switching majors or heading back to school to pursue something else? Let me know in the comments!



Stop. Stop thinking about all the things you want to do. Instead, use today to get one day closer to them. I, of all people, need a constant reminder to get out of my own head and actually take action.

What have you been wanting to do? Are there any goals you’ve let live only in you head? I want to know! Share them in the comment section below!

